Zimbabwe Insider - Part 1751

  • Too many passengers?

    The recent complaint by senior secretary for finance, Elias Mushayakarara, the man who should know where our money is going, that there were too many...

  • Workers show their strength

    The good turnout at various points where the Worker’s Day celebrations were being held this year should be of great concern to leaders of the...

  • Labour confrontations

    The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is set for its first confrontation with the government over amendments to the Labour Relations Act which it claims...

  • ZANU-PF – a bad debtor?

    The ruling ZANU-PF is proving to be a major headache to its creditors. Despite the fact that it owns several commercial companies that are highly...

  • Norman’s mission

    Transport Minister Dennis Norman’s visit to South Africa last month was not only aimed at arranging transport for Zimbabwe’s maize imports but also to persuade...

  • Cotton worries

    The recent increase in the producer price of cotton coupled with the fact that the Cotton Marketing Board itself has become one of the first...

  • Coffee farmers to lose out?

    Zimbabwe is likely to lose out on a new coffee agreement arranged by Latin American and African farmers recently to by-pass existing middlemen and make...

  • Drinking habits changing too

    With more and more people living on the edge, not sure about whether they will be able to have their next meal, people are not...

  • Consumer power works

    Industry and Commerce Minister Kumbirai Kangai’s rallying call to consumers to show their mettle and force prices down, has recently shown that it can work...

  • Coal boom expected

    Zimbabwe’s coal mining industry which was boosted by the opening of the Sengwa Coal Mine could be in for a big boom if the owners...